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Don’t Forget! A List of Moving Reminders

Moving is the third most stressful thing a person will ever do in their life. When the hectic moving process begins, it can be easy for small tasks to slip your mind. Not to mention, with all the changes that are involved with a move, it can be hard to keep track of...

How to Pack your Desk for an Office Move

Whether you are moving to a new desk or to a completely new office, packing your desk can be a bit of a hassle, especially when the bulk of packing is done during the work day. It is important to plan out your packing process and make sure all your important items are...
Moving with Pets

Moving with Pets

Moving is not only a stressful time for humans but also animals. It is so important to set aside some extra time for pets before, during, and after a move to ensure that their needs are met. This will help the pet easily transition into the new home. Below you will...